Sabtu, 19 Juli 2008


Martha Christina Tiahahu, an independence patriot, is a well-acknowledged national heroine in Indonesia.
Martha fought side-by-side with her father to repel Dutch colonialism in the archipelago. When the Dutch caught and executed her father on the tiny island of Nusalaut, southeast of Saparua, she was taken to Java by ship to work in a tea and coffee plantations. On the ship, she refused any food, and mourned over her father’s execution. She passed away on the 2nd of January 1818, at the age of 18. her body was buried at sea to give her final rest.

The memorial is located up the hill of Karang Panjang, behind the People’s Representatives regional office. To reach the memorial, take a minibus to Karang Panjang. The site of the memorial also gives an intriguing panorama of the city, the blue Amboina Bay, and the rugged hills of the Leihitu peninsula.

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